Building this Website Was Pretty Easy


    I have to admit that making this website was quite easy, but keeping it going may be more challenging.  The reason why it's easy for me to make this website is that it doesn't require me to make all of the content.  To be completely honest Blogger has made it easier for me to get this website done with the tools that they have. 

    I have to admit that I like to write better than making YouTube videos.  Making videos can be time-consuming, but when I write it's just a lot easier for me to get things done.  This blog has definitely been a lifesaver for me, and I plan on just putting out gaming and technology content for a long time.  I've decided not to reinvent the wheel so to speak because there are people right now on YouTube who has better video content than I do.  They even have better camera equipment than I do.  I just want to leave that business to them.  But for me, I think that when I blog I have a great sense of freedom to be myself and to live the life that I want to live.  

    I haven't felt this happy in quite some time.  This blog is stress-free for me.  I used to be a recording artist.  I used to be a YouTuber, but now that I'm a blogger there's a sense of joy and excitement that I haven't felt in a while.  Alright, that's enough from me.  Maybe next time?



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