How the anime Cowboy Bebop Could've Had a Better Ending

 The anime Cowboy Bebop is a classic and much beloved series, but its ending left fans wanting more. While it was meant to be conclusive and bring things to a close, there were still plenty of unanswered questions, and viewers were left with an unsatisfying conclusion.

One of the biggest issues with the ending was Spike's death. Although the circumstances surrounding his death were left ambiguous, fans were left wondering what caused him to take the course of action he did. There were hints of him having a revelation or epiphany about his life, but it was never concretely explained. This meant that his sacrifice lacked any true poignancy or meaning.

If the creators had fleshed out the ending better, perhaps by explaining what happened leading up to Spike's death, the entire story could have been much more powerful.

The resolution of the antagonists' plot was also lacking. While it was revealed that the syndicate was behind their evil plot, there was no real punishment given to them. This left a sense of dissatisfaction with viewers, who felt like justice was not served.

A more comprehensive conclusion could have seen justice being brought to the syndicate and the motivations behind their plot being explored. This would have helped bring things to a satisfying close, rather than leaving questions unanswered.

Finally, one of the greatest grievances fans had with the ending was that one of the main characters, Faye, had been reduced to a background character. Her arc was largely ignored, and the resolution of her situation was only hinted at before it was swiftly forgotten.

The creators could have given Faye the closure she deserved by exploring her role in the story further. This could have been done through flashbacks, a shortened arc, or even an episode dedicated entirely to her. Doing so could have provided the emotional impact a character like Faye deserved.

All in all, there were several ways in which the ending of Cowboy Bebop could have been improved. By clearing up the questions left unanswered and focusing more heavily on the characters and their stories, the emotional impact of the series could have been much more powerful.


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