What Would Siskel and Ebert Think of the Movies of 2023?

When Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert passed away, the world of movie criticism mourned the loss of two of the most influential and respected voices of the industry. For decades, their in-depth analysis of films pushed filmmakers to create better movies and shifted the conversation around cinema.

So, what would Siskel and Ebert think of the movies of 2023? It's impossible to know for sure, but one thing is certain: they would be thrilled to see how far motion pictures have progressed in terms of storytelling, special effects, and overall quality in the last few decades.

With technological advancements like virtual reality, 3D, CGI, and more, filmmakers have access to a broad range of tools that can help them create more captivating, immersive movies. We can expect to see more unique and innovative films that feature groundbreaking visuals that were simply impossible two decades ago.

However, while the quality of cinema may have improved, Siskel and Ebert would have undoubtedly been critical of the way movies are marketed, especially the onslaught of comic book and franchise-based films that seem to dominate the screen these days. They may not have seen 2023's offerings as the best-crafted films, and would likely praise smaller, independent films that push the boundaries of storytelling.

The duo would likely also be pleased to see how wide the scope of cinema has gotten, as more diverse voices are being heard and people of color are being featured in leading roles. This type of representation would surely have been a point of pride for them.

Ultimately, Siskel and Ebert, through their work, challenged filmmakers to create the best possible art and pushed the industry to strive for better stories and filmmaking techniques. Though they’re no longer with us, we can take solace that their legacy lives on and continues to shape Hollywood.


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