Why Hunter X Hunter is Better Than Cowboy Bebop Story wise. Here Are 20 Reasons Why.


When it comes to anime, there are many series that have become iconic and beloved by fans. Two such shows are Hunter X Hunter and Cowboy Bebop. Both series are incredibly popular and have been praised for their animation, characters, and stories. But when it comes to story, which one comes out on top? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why Hunter X Hunter is better than Cowboy Bebop story-wise.

1. Complex and Engaging Storylines: Hunter X Hunter’s story is multi-layered and complex, with numerous plot twists and turns that keep viewers guessing. Cowboy Bebop’s story is linear and straightforward, which can leave viewers feeling a bit bored.

2. Character Development: Hunter X Hunter has an impressive character development system, allowing viewers to watch characters grow and evolve throughout the series. Cowboy Bebop’s characters are a bit more static, with the main cast remaining relatively unchanged throughout the show.

3. World Building: Hunter X Hunter’s world is incredibly detailed and vibrant, with a rich and diverse cast of characters and settings. Cowboy Bebop’s world is more basic and lacks the depth of Hunter X Hunter’s.

4. Consequences of Actions: In Hunter X Hunter, characters are forced to face the consequences of their actions, often with devastating results. In Cowboy Bebop, the consequences of actions are often overlooked or glossed over, which can make the show feel less realistic.

5. Long-Term Story Arcs: Hunter X Hunter has several long-term story arcs that span multiple episodes and seasons, giving viewers a sense of investment in the story. Cowboy Bebop’s arcs are generally shorter and less developed, leaving viewers feeling unengaged.

6. Character Relationships: Hunter X Hunter’s characters have complex and meaningful relationships, which often drive the story forward. In Cowboy Bebop, relationships are less meaningful and generally only serve to move the plot along.

7. Realistic Villains: Hunter X Hunter’s villains are complex and often have understandable motivations. Cowboy Bebop’s villains are mostly two-dimensional and don’t feel as realistic.

8. Comedy: Hunter X Hunter has a great sense of humor, with characters often making witty remarks and playing off each other. Cowboy Bebop’s comedy feels a bit more forced and less natural.

9. Emotional Impact: Hunter X Hunter’s story is filled with moments of both joy and sorrow, making it incredibly emotionally engaging. Cowboy Bebop’s story is less emotionally charged and often feels a bit flat.

10. Story Structure: Hunter X Hunter follows a traditional story structure, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Cowboy Bebop’s story is more episodic, which can make it feel disjointed and confusing.

11. Plot Twists: Hunter X Hunter has some amazing plot twists that keep viewers guessing and engaged with the story. Cowboy Bebop’s plot twists are often predictable and lack the same impact.

12. Interesting Characters: Hunter X Hunter’s characters are all unique and interesting, making it easy for viewers to connect with them. Cowboy Bebop’s characters tend to be a bit more generic, making it harder to become emotionally invested in them.

13. Internal Conflict: Hunter X Hunter’s characters often face internal conflicts, giving them more depth and making the story more compelling. Cowboy Bebop’s characters rarely face internal conflicts, which can lead to a less engaging story.

14. Storytelling: Hunter X Hunter’s storytelling is top-notch, with creative and clever ways of presenting the story. Cowboy Bebop’s storytelling is a bit more basic and doesn’t quite match the quality of Hunter X Hunter’s.

15. Action Scenes: Hunter X Hunter’s action scenes are intense and always feel impactful. Cowboy Bebop’s action scenes are often less intense and can feel a bit over-the-top.

16. Music: Hunter X Hunter’s soundtrack is incredibly powerful and adds a great deal of emotion to the story. Cowboy Bebop’s soundtrack is more upbeat and doesn’t quite have the same emotional impact.

17. Character Arcs: Hunter X Hunter’s characters often go through meaningful character arcs, making it easy to connect with them. Cowboy Bebop’s characters generally remain static throughout the series.

18. Writing: Hunter X Hunter’s writing is sharp and well-crafted, with clever dialogue and interesting plot points. Cowboy Bebop’s writing is more basic and lacks the same level of complexity.

19. Ending: Hunter X Hunter’s ending is incredibly satisfying and leaves viewers with a sense of closure. Cowboy Bebop’s ending is more open-ended, which can be a bit unsatisfying.

20. Rewatch ability: Hunter X Hunter is incredibly rewatchable, with new layers and plot points being revealed with each viewing. Cowboy Bebop’s rewatch ability is a bit lower, as the basic plot structure and characters remain unchanged.

After looking at all the evidence, it’s clear that Hunter X Hunter is the better series story-wise. Its complex and engaging storylines, detailed world-building, and emotional impact make it a must-watch for any anime fan. On the other hand, Cowboy Bebop’s more basic and straightforward story can leave viewers feeling a bit bored. So, if you’re looking for a story that’s going to keep you on the edge of your seat, Hunter X Hunter is definitely the way to go.


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