
"Stature" Is Carrington S. Scott's Next Radio Drama

Hello, everyone, and welcome to this blog entry.  I have a few announcements to make. I've been developing a radio drama titled "Stature," which will soon be released on Bandcamp. Inspired by Rex Harrison's role in "My Fair Lady," where a man transforms a poor woman into a lady of society, our drama introduces a compelling twist: the women are ex-prostitutes. "Stature" will chronicle their metamorphosis into savvy businesswomen in the corporate world.

I have decided not to perform voice acting in this series; rather, I am delegating it to A.I. This decision affords me the chance to concentrate exclusively on scriptwriting, free from any other distractions.  

I seldom promote my projects, but I've decided that this one deserves it. Since it will be available exclusively on my Bandcamp website,, I believe it will require more promotion to aid discovery rather than relying on people finding it on their own.

I will keep you updated on this project. In the meantime, please pray to God that it will benefit many people.


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